NetApp vFiler DR with Data ONTAP Simulator Part 6: Create vFiler and configure vFiler DR
This article is part of a series.
Note: In this article vFiler DR is created with asynchronous replication. If you need synchronous replication only create the vfiler as described in this part and then skip forward to part part 7. Do not follow the steps described in the section “Configure vFiler DR”.
Now it is finally time to create the vFiler on the first simulator (netapp01). You can use OnCommand System Manager
or the command line via SSH.
netapp01> vfiler create vfiler01 -i /vol/vol_vfiler01 Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [netapp01:vFiler.etcPath.exists:warning]: Warning: /vol/vol_vfiler01/etc already exists. Old configuration will be deleted. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:lun.vfiler.oldConfigDeleted:notice]: Warning: Old LUN configuration exists and will be deleted. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:secureadmin.ssh.setup.passed:info]: SSH setup is done and ssh2 is enabled. Host keys are stored in /vol/vol_vfiler01/etc/sshd/ssh_host_key, /vol/vol_vfiler01/etc/sshd/ssh_host_rsa_key, and /vol/vol_vfiler01/etc/sshd/ssh_host_dsa_key. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [netapp01:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. Tue Jan 17 00:21:06 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'compliance' has been added. Tue Jan 17 00:21:07 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:export.file.missing:warning]: Could not open '/etc/exports' for reading. The etc configuration directory for vfiler "vfiler01" is /vol/vol_vfiler01/etc. Setting up vfiler vfiler01 Tue Jan 17 00:21:07 CET []: vFiler unit vfiler01 initialized. Configure vfiler IP address [y]: y Interface to assign this address to {e0a, e0b, e0c, e0d}: e0a Netmask to use: []: The administration host is given root access to the filer's /etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access to all NFS clients enter RETURN below. Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host: Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: y Please enter DNS domain name []: test.local You may enter up to 3 nameservers Please enter the IP address for first nameserver []: Do you want another nameserver? [n]: n Do you want to run NIS client? [n]: n e0a: flags=0xe48867mtu 1500 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast ether 00:0c:29:ee:ee:f2 (auto-1000t-fd-up) flowcontrol full Default password for root on vfiler vfiler01 is "". New password:Tue Jan 17 00:21:51 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The user 'root' has been added. Retype new password: Tue Jan 17 00:22:05 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root' changed. Do you want to setup CIFS? [y]: y This process will enable CIFS access to the filer from a Windows(R) system. Use "?" for help at any prompt and Ctrl-C to exit without committing changes. Your filer does not have WINS configured and is visible only to clients on the same subnet. Do you want to make the system visible via WINS? [n]: n A filer can be configured for multiprotocol access, or as an NTFS-only filer. Since multiple protocols are currently licensed on this filer, we recommend that you configure this filer as a multiprotocol filer (1) Multiprotocol filer (2) NTFS-only filer Selection (1-2)? [1]: 1 CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and default files will be created. The default passwd file contains entries for 'root', 'pcuser', and 'nobody'. The default name for this CIFS server is 'VFILER01'. Would you like to change this name? [n]: n Data ONTAP CIFS services support four styles of user authentication. Choose the one from the list below that best suits your situation. (1) Active Directory domain authentication (Active Directory domains only) (2) Windows NT 4 domain authentication (Windows NT or Active Directory domains) (3) Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's local user accounts (4) /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP authentication Selection (1-4)? [1]: 3 What is the name of the Workgroup? [WORKGROUP]: WORKGROUP CIFS - Starting SMB protocol... It is recommended that you create the local administrator account (VFILER01\administrator) for this filer. Do you want to create the VFILER01\administrator account? [y]: y Enter the new password for VFILER01\administrator: Retype the password: Welcome to the WORKGROUP Windows(R) workgroup netapp01> Tue Jan 17 00:23:23 CET [vfiler01@netapp01:cifs.startup.local.succeeded:info]: CIFS: CIFS local server is running.
vFiler DR has to be configured on the second simulator (netapp02) via SSH.
netapp02> vfiler dr configure vfiler01@'s Administrative login: root's Administrative password: Configuring SnapMirror to mirror vfiler vfiler01's storage units from remote filer Upon Activation, configure vfiler IP address [y]: y Interface to assign this address to {e0a, e0b, e0c, e0d}: e0a Netmask to use: []: Starting snapmirror initialize commands. It could take a very long time when the source or destination filers are involved in many simultaneous transfers. The console will not be available until all initialize commands are started successfully. Please use the "snapmirror status" command on the source filer to monitor the progress. Volume 'vol_vfiler01' is now restricted. Upon activation, do you want the DR vfiler to use a different set of DNS servers from the production vfiler? [n]: n SnapMirror transfer initiated for vfiler storage units. netapp02> Tue Jan 17 21:14:02 CET [netapp02:cmds.vfiler.dr.configure:info]: vFiler unit 'vfiler01' is now disaster recovery backup of remote vFiler unit present at storage system ''. Tue Jan 17 21:14:02 CET [netapp02:vFiler.storageUnit.On:notice]: vFiler vfiler01: storage unit /vol/vol_vfiler01 now online. Tue Jan 17 21:14:02 CET [netapp02:vFiler.etcStorage.readOnly:warning]: vFiler vfiler01: vFiler cannot be started because the volume containing its root, volume vol_vfiler01, is read-only.
This creates a asynchronous SnapMirror. So data is written to the first simulator and is mirrored to the second simulator after a short period of time. By default the data is synchronized every 3 minutes. With the command snapmirror status you can see the current state. The time in the column “Lag” grows up to 3 minutes until the data synchronisation takes place.
netapp02> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status netapp02:vol_vfiler01 Snapmirrored 00:02:52 Idle netapp02> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status netapp02:vol_vfiler01 Snapmirrored 00:03:01 Transferring netapp02> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status netapp02:vol_vfiler01 Snapmirrored 00:03:02 Transferring (84 KB done) netapp02> snapmirror status Snapmirror is on. Source Destination State Lag Status netapp02:vol_vfiler01 Snapmirrored 00:00:07 Idle
All articles of the series
Part 1: Download of the files needed
Part 2: Configuration of the first simulator
Part 3: Configuration of the second simulator
Part 4: Create an aggregate and volume
Part 5: DNS Configuration
Part 6: Create vFiler and configure vFiler DR
Part 7: Synchronous vFiler DR
Part 8: Create shares on vFiler
Part 9: Planned Failover
Part 10: Disaster Failover